



Laura Bruckman

Laura Bruckman

Case Western

Materials data science; Spectroscopy; Materials degradation; Photovoltaic; Lifetime and degradation science.

Paul Leu

Paul W Leu


functional materials, optoelectronics, machine learning

Roger French

Roger French

Case Western

Optical Properties and Electronic Structure of Materials, Long Range Interactions, Degradation Science of Outdoor Exposed Technologies

Satish Iyengar

Satish Iyengar


Stochastic Models; Meta-analysis; Multivariate analysis and distribution; Applications in neuroscience; Spike train data analysis.

Lucas Mentch | Department of Statistics | University of Pittsburgh

Lucas Mentch


Statistics, machine learning

Jennifer Carter

Jennifer Carter

Case Western

Applied data science and machine learning to materials engineering problems, Mesoscale experimental techniques and integrated multi-scale experimental quantification techniques

Heng Ban

Heng Ban


thermal-fluid sciences, materials properties, sensors and measurement, and energy sciences

Oleg Prokopyev


combinatorial optimization, bilevel programming, optimization under uncertainty

Lisa Maillart

Lisa Maillart


sequential decision making under uncertainty, medical decision making, healthcare operations

Mostafa Bedewy


nanoscience, biotechnology, advanced manufacturing

Xiayun Zhao


additive manufacturing, cyber manufacturing, measurement science, process control, precision engineering

Markus Chmielus

Markus Chmielus


additive manufacturing, functional magnetic materials, high purity metal thin films

James McGuffin-Cawley

James McGuffin-Cawley

Case Western

Ceramic and materials research, mass transport and solid state reaction, powder-based processing

John Lewandowski

John Lewandowski

Case Western

processing/structure/property relationships in ferrous and non-ferrous engineering materials; effects of superposed pressure on deformation/fracture; fatigue and fracture of intermetallics  and composites, bulk metallic glass, and layered/laminated materials; deformation processing; blast-resistant materials; advanced engineered materials systems; fracture and fatigue of biomedical materials; failure analysis; additive manufacturing.

Vincenzo Liberatore

Vincenzo Liberatore

Case Western

real-time network control of the smart power grid of alternative energy sources, actuator and wireless sensor networks.

Mark DeGuire

Mark DeGuire

Case Western

Ceramics and glasses for electronic, chemical, and biomedical applications, including solid oxide fuel cells, photovoltaics, thin film gas sensors, and electrochemical extraction of titanium / High-temperature electrochemical processes, defect chemistry, microstructural analysis, and phase equilibria

Mehmet Koyutürk

Mehmet Koyutürk

Case Western

development of algorithms for large-scale data mining and analysis, with particular emphasis on networks and graph-structured data

Wissam Saidi

Wissam Saidi


Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science

Oliver Hinder

Oliver Hinder


network optimization, machine learning, operations research

Amin Rahimian

Amin Rahimian


networks, data, and decision sciences

Tevis Jacobs

Tevis Jacobs


contacting surface, advanced manufacturing, micro-/nano-devices, scanning probe microscopy applications

Jung-Kun Lee

Jung-kun Lee


materials science, electrochemistry, applied physics, photovoltaic device fabrication

Ina Martin

Ina Martin

Case Western

Materials for Opto/electronics Research

Alp Sehirlioglu

Alp Sehirlioglu

Case Western

energy conversion materials with emphasis on extreme environments. He is currently working on high temperature piezoelectrics, 2D materials and hetero-intefaces and structural batteries.

Xiong Yu

Xiong Yu

Case Western

addressing emerging engineering and societal issues associated with civil infrastructure system.

Xiaowei Jia

Xiaowei Jia


Data mining, machine learning

Christopher Wirth | Wirth Lab | Case Western Reserve University

Chris Wirth

Case Western

Imaging in the manufacturing of chemical products, feature extraction and tracking, coatings, multiphase materials

Janet Gbur joins ASTM International Board of Directors | Case School of  Engineering | Case Western Reserve University

Janet Gbur

Case Western

Materials Science and Engineering

Huichun (Judy) Zhang (@HuichunJudy) / Twitter

Judy Zhang

Case Western

Civil and Environmental Engineering