The MDS-Rely Center utilizes rigorous data science methods and analytics to improve product reliability and lifetime. The center accomplishes this objective by fostering long term relationships between Industry, Academia, and Government entities.
Our Objective
The goal of our center is to apply data science-informed research to better understand the reliability and performance lifetime of essential materials.
Why is this important?
It has the potential to transform this field in creating new technologies that enable unprecedented lifetimes, durability in extreme environments, and understanding of various degradation and failure mechanisms.
What is an IUCRC?
IUCRC enables industrially-relevant, pre-competitive research via a multi-member, sustained partnerships among industry, academe, and government. NSF supports the development and evolution of IUCRCs, providing a financial and procedural framework for membership and operations in addition to best practices learned over decades of fostering public/private partnerships that provide significant value to the nation, industry and university faculty and students.
(Data from 2017)
$1 in member contributions leverage $33 additional dollars in research funding
unique members
centers nationwide
research sites
states with an IUCRC site
center trained students hired by members
The Structure
The Partnership